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Full Mouth Rehablitation

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?
The goal of whole mouth rehabilitation, often referred to as full mouth reconstruction or full mouth restoration, is to improve the health, function, and appearance of a patient's complete mouth. It entails treating several dental ailments at once, taking care of abnormalities with the teeth as well as supporting components including the gums, jawbone, and bite alignment.

How the Process Begins?

  • Teeth: Depending on the state of your teeth, restorative operations such porcelain veneers or full-coverage crowns, inlays or onlays, bridges, or implants repaired with a crown may be necessary. Our dentist will specifically note any cavities, decay, worn or cracked teeth, short or long teeth, root canal problems, and any tooth movement.
  • Periodontal (gum) tissues: If your gums are unhealthy, scaling and root planing will probably be required to treat your periodontal disease. To guarantee that the newly rebuilt teeth will have a strong foundation, you might need more rigorous periodontal treatments. For these treatments, you may need bone or soft tissue transplants to strengthen your jaw bone and gums.
  • Temporomandibular joints, jaw muscles and occlusion: A stable bite – one in which you are not in pain when you close your mouth or chew and one that does not cause wear or destruction of your teeth – is important to your overall oral health. Occlusal changes need to be taken into consideration when our dentist plans your restorations.
  • Esthetics: The color, shape, size and proportion of your teeth, and how they appear in relation to your gums, lips, mouth, side profile and face, are also important factors in full mouth reconstruction.

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Who are the right candidates for Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

  • Tooth loss and damage can occur for many different reasons. Many people have had serious dental and gum health problems, ranging from bacterial infections to gum disease and trauma.
  • The best candidates for complete mouth reconstruction must have a number of missing or badly damaged teeth in addition to being in good general health.
  • People who wish to change the look of their smile, those who have sensitive or worn teeth, those who have lost their back teeth, or those who suffer headaches and clicking joints.
  • Almost all patients who need full rehabilitation have one thing in common: their mouth suffers from stress and strain.
  • The stress is a result of malfunction or poorly related parts of the oral mechanism. The goal of this procedure is to minimize stress and strain so that they are not destructive.
  • Obligation of Gift Smile
    Our Gift SMILE promises and assures to the patients that our Full Mouth Rehabilitation services will be the primary method used by our dental professionals to give the patients the best care possible. Cherish your smile.